Ok, so for an infant/ child/ adult who suffers with eczema what is the right product for them? Typically, eczema causes the skin to be very inflamed, raw, sore itchy and dry and the best products to provide relief for all of these symptoms is the Moogoo Irritable Skin Balm. MooGoo Irritable Skin Balm is a natural alternative to a steroid cream, it works in the same way, it's anti fungal anti inflammatory and anti bacterial, so it will soothe irritation instantly, bring down inflammation will stop itching, as well as healing the skin. This is the first thing to use for flare ups. Alongside this you will need to use a moisturiser to protect the skin and soothe it in between flare ups. The Soothing MSM Cream can be used, it contains organic sulphur to heal the skin and it's packed with ingredients to soothe and calm the skin, it's extra rich so it will moisturise the skin in the best way. We have been stocking the MooGoo brand for nearly six years and we could fill a book with the positive feedback we have received from happy customers. We have seen first hand how well and how FAST this range works for people. It is an incredible product, if you would like any information on this or would like a sample please call in and talk to a member of our staff in either shops!
This week we have 15% off MooGoo Irritable Skin Balm in BOTH stores. Call in for anymore info.
Has anyone tried either of these or indeed any of the Moogoo range and would like to share their experience?
Until next time,
Elisha :)