Happy New Year all! It's
hard to believe that Christmas is all over for another year, after such a long build up over months filled with stress, hustle and bustle, it comes and goes within a matter of days. And here we are, on the fifth day of January faced with the struggle of trying to live a healthier life, picking up better habits and willing ourselves to stick to our New Year's resolutions. Are you still keeping them, did you make any? The most common resolutions are quitting smoking and healthy lifestyle, today, we will be talking about smoking. Is this your resolution? If you've made it this far- congratulations! If you're finding it tough we hope this post might inspire you a little. As a pharmacy we offer nicotine replacement therapy in the form of patches, gum, mouth sprays, lozenges etc. Not only this but we also provide non-judgmental support. Talk to us,we are more than happy to help,even if it's just to listen. If you're finding it tough here are some startling benefits when you quit that will (hopefully) make it all worthwhile:

straight away - you will have fresher breath, hair and clothes & more money in your pocket!
within 20 mins- your blood pressure and pulse rates begin to return to normal
with 1 day- your risk of heart attack begins to fall
within 2 days- you will have better sense of taste and smell.
within 3 days- you will feel fitter as you will be less breathless
after 1 year- your risk of Sudden Death From great attack is almost cut in half, and your risk of cancer is also reduced.
Pretty incredible, right? 7 in every 10 smokers want to quit, it's NEVER too late to quit. Call in today if you need any advice, and if you have currently quit- best of luck and you can do it!